(加拿大新闻商业网)5月16日,联邦议员詹嘉礼 (Jim Karygiannis) 在首都渥太华就向中国提供救灾人道援助召开了新闻发布会。 Jim 首先对灾区受难的人们和家庭寄托了他的哀思,并为他们祈祷,愿上仓也能在他们需要的时候给予他们力量来战胜这场自然灾害。他在记者招待会上呼吁加国政府对灾区要做出实际性的援助,并抨击加国总理Stephen Harper坐视无睹。
加拿大新闻商业网记者今天(16日)采访了在渥太华 Jim Karygiannis,他表示,到目前为止,加国政府除了向灾区表示同情和慰问,而无实际行动。尽管加拿大联邦多元文化部长康尼(Jason Kenney)说联邦政府将实行对等捐款,但却没有明确的说明,他说:“是不是每个人捐款一元,加国政府就会拨发一元?是通过什么样的机构才可以这样做?哪些机构又是合格的机构?这些细节都没有明确”,他又说,“对等捐款的事和拨款100万赈济四川灾民的消息,官方网站并没有登出”。
Jim 坚持自己提出的建议:
呼吁哈珀政府立即向中国四川灾区提供1,000万元人道援助,然后再通过非政府组织筹集更多捐款,同时通过加拿大税务局(Canada Revenue Agency)设立一次性的慈善退款帐號,令向灾区捐款的民眾可以获得退税收据。
他最后说: 他不会放弃,如果下周二还得不到政府有关部门的回复,他会再次举行新闻发布会,直到得到满意答复为止。
Press Conference Aid for China
Friday 16th May 2008.
Speaking Notes at the Press Conference Aid for China
Ladies and Gentlemen of the press thank you for coming.
My prayers and thoughts are with the people of China and their families as they overcome this catastrophic earthquake. I hope God gives them the strength they need in this battle of man against nature. As we all know, thousands of innocent people were affected as a result of this earthquake.
The earthquake in China, in the province of Sichuan, had a magnitude 7.9 on the Richter Scale. It occurred on 12 May 2008 in Sichuan province of China. In China, it has been named the Wenchuan earthquake after the earthquake??s epicenter in Wenchuan County in Sichuan province. The epicenter was 90 kilometres west-northwest of Chengdu , the capital of Sichuan, at a depth of 19 kilometres. The earthquake was felt as far away as Beijing (1,500km away) and Shanghai (1,700km away), where office buildings swayed with the tremor. The earthquake was also felt in nearby countries.
Official figures, as of 15 May, state that about 20,000 are confirmed dead. The Chinese government warned that the death toll could soar to 50,000. Tens of thousands are missing, many of them buried, and eight provinces were affected. It was the deadliest and strongest earthquake to hit China since the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, which killed over 250,000 people.
Catastrophe modeling estimate total damages to exceed $20 billion. It values Chengdu, Sichuan Province’s capital city of 4.5 million people, at around $115 billion, with only a small portion covered by insurance.
News report indicates that the poorer, farm villages were hardest hit.
China‘s President Hu Jintao said that the disaster response would be rapid.
On May 12, China‘s Chengdu Military Area Command dispatched 50,000 troops and armed police to help with disaster relief work in Wenchuan County. But, because of the rough terrain and close proximity of the quake??s epicenter, the soldiers found it very difficult to get help to the villages in the province.
The Red Cross Society of China also stated that the disaster areas needs tents, medical supplies, drinking water and foods; however, it recommends donating cash instead of other items, as its not possible to reach the area as roads are completely damaged and places are blocked by landslides.
Persistent heavy rain and landslides in Wenchuan County and the nearby area have badly affected rescue efforts.
Francis Marcus of the International Federation of the Red Cross praised China??s rescue effort as “swift and very efficient” in Beijing on Tuesday. But he added the scale of the disaster was such that “we can’t expect that the government can do everything and handle every aspect of the needs”.
Because of the magnitude of the quake, and the media attention on China, foreign nations and organizations immediately responded to the disaster by offering condolences and assistance.
On May 14, UNICEF reported that China has formally requested the support of the international community to respond to the needs of affected families.
Now let‘s see what some other countries have done and are doing:
– Hong Kong $ 38 million from the government
– Macau $14.3 million
– China $125.4 million donated by the Chinese public
Other Countries
– Taiwan $ 65 million
– Saudi Arabia $ 50 million and $10 million in relief material
– Britain $ 1.95 million
– Belgium 650,000 euros close to $ 1million
– Germany 650,000 euros close to $ 1 million
– United States $ 500,000 as an ??initial contribution??
– Japan $4.8 million in cash and goods
– South Korea approximately $ 1million
– Thailand $ 500,000
– Singapore $200,000
– Poland $100,000
– India $ 5 million
– Switzerland $379,000
– Norway $4 million
– Spain $ 1.55 million
– Greece $309,000
– Estonia $49,000
– Vietnam $200,000
Earthquake rescue teams
– Japan has been given the green light to help in Sichuan
– Russia has committed four plane-loans of 130 tonnes of relief material
– France committed this week to send a cargo plane loaded with material worth $400.000
However before we examine Canadian Aid lets see what the Tories think about China:
CBC Headline Saturday July 23, 2005
Tory wants aid to China stopped
A Conservative MP says it’s time to “turn off the tap” of Canadian foreign aid to China.
The Tory M.P. went on to say that China:
– Has the biggest army in the world.
– Has the second-largest economy in the world.
– Has a space program.
– Has a nuclear-weapons program.
This Tory was MP Helena Guergis.
Today Helena Guergis is the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Sport.
Ladies and Gentlemen I just finished telling you what the rest of the world has done for China. Canada is still silent.
I am ashamed of this Prime Minister and this minister of Foreign Affairs. The only thing they have done is extend their condolences to China and their best wishes.
Condolences and Best wishes does not assist people in their time of need, Condolences and Best wishes do not help get the survivors out of collapsed buildings, condolences and best wishes do not help provide medicine and medical care to people that needed it.
The people of Canada are looking at this government and are shaking their heads. The 1.5 plus million Chinese Canadians are also shaking their heads.
This government has absolutely no protocol in dealing with natural and or man made disasters. There was a protocol that was put in place after Tsunami by the Liberal Government to deal with such emergencies. I know I was one of the authors of that protocol.
This Government should immediately commit:
– $10 million, for rescue, recovery and relief efforts;
– Match dollar for dollar of money raised by all efforts especially by community groups.
Although the Minister of CIDA said the government will match dollar for dollar raised by Canadian non-governmental organizations for the victims of this earthquake no details have been released yet
– Immediately dispatch the DART team after contacting the Chinese Government
– Citizenship and Immigration should Expedite Family Class Sponsorship cases from
south-western China that are in process; and, Issue Visitor Visas to immediate family members of the Canadian Chinese community in the region, so they can join their relatives in Canada until this ordeal is over
– Expedite new family class sponsorship application of immediate family members such as spouses, parents and siblings.
It is time Canada has a set of protocols to deal with international crises. Canadians want to know that their government will render assistance to others in their time of need. A set of protocols will allow all Canadians to know what their government is doing and what they can do to help.
It is time for Stephen Harper to act I will accept nothing less neither will Canadians