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文章发布时间:September 12, 2008



Motivation and ability to learn are important to every students in the world. Discovery Edcuation International will be giving a presentation on these topics in Toronto and Mississauga during September and October of 2008. The speech will help every students to broaden their vision, set their goal, choose the right learning strategy, and good study habit to build a valuable foundations to help them achieve their goals with pride and honor.

The speech will be given by Y. Li, Principal of DEI, who will share her extensive knowledge based on research & experience in educational field. Also, the teachers of DEI will share their experience in teaching the DEI program in Toronto and its value to our students.

DEI program is continously modified to cater to the need of the ever-changing technological world. The overall objective of the program is achieved by combing the pedagogic advantages of East and West to provide high quality and highly efficientlearning method. Our program is effective an proven. Above all, every students who joined our program has benifited. Our math program’s curriculum, teaching method and approach will be included in the speech.

The information leaflet is an invitation for success. We hope that you will accept the inviation.

In Toronto: Saturday Morning 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM, Sept 13, 2008 at Metro Square 3636 Steeles, Ave. E. Suit 213A, Markham ON (Steeles & Warden)

In Mississauga: Sunday Afternoon 2:00PM – 4:00 PM, Sept 14, 2008 at Royal School of Ontario, 4250 Sherwoodtowne Blvd, Mississauga ON (H.W.10 & 403)

For further information, please call: 416-546 0806 or 647-869 0468

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