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文章发布时间:May 23, 2008

To fight global warming, the Green Think Tank is proud to launch a seminar series on “Entropy and Society”. This first seminar will be delivered in Cantonese with Power Point in English.

为了抵制全球变暖,華嚴绿化地球智库非常高兴地宣布一系列的讲座“混乱指数简介”。 这次讲座用广东话讲解,演示是用英语。

Topic: Entropy an Society – 混乱指数
Date: Saturday, June 7, 2008
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm
Place: 4 Lansing Square, Suite 203, North York, ON M2J 5A2
After hours access into the building: Please call (416) 727-5577
Speaker: Mr. Stephen Hung

A University of Toronto Chemical Engineering graduate, Mr. Stephen Hung has decades of technical experience working for major US multinational corporations including Exxon Mobile and Dow Chemical. Later, he excelled into marketing and management and had been serving as the C.E.O. and/or Regional General Manager in the Greater China Region for multinationals like Kraft Foods, Clorox and GlaxoSmithKline for over 15 years. With his deep understanding of both science and business, Mr. Hung is most suited to introduce this crucial topic to the public.

Mr. Stephen Hung多伦多大学化学工程专业研究生毕业,具有几十年在跨国公司包括Exxon Mobile and Dow Chemical的技术工作经验。后来他从事营销和管理, 就职于跨国公司包括Kraft Foods, Clorox and GlaxoSmithKline大中华地区的CEO 或是地区的总经理十五年之多。由于了解科学和商业,Mr. Hung是最适合的人选向大众介绍关键议题

The seminar is also co-sponsored by World Huayen Youth and Huayen Buddhist Community of Ontario.

If you are interested, please register : [email protected]
请注册:[email protected]
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