涉足过医疗、媒体、 IT 等行业,拥有多年市场销售、策划、包装的丰富经验。
在北美有多年IT 高层工作经验,先后在4家北美著名大公司,现职位为Senior Consultant。
在找工、换工的过程中,Ocean 积累了非常丰富的面试及写简历的宝贵经验,撰写了脍炙人口的好文章“ 加国找工必胜六式”,在各大网站上广为流传,更在维多利亚引起轰动,收录在“就业红宝书”中,并被公认为“找工技巧段数最高的同门师兄”。
所以,经过多年工作经历的沉淀,Ocean 对华人技术移民如何能快速融入主流工作环境具有独到的见解,并将于本周六诚意分享他归纳总结出一套行之有效的策略,您绝对会有意外收获!订座电话:416-665-1888
为了帮助更多的朋友解决心中的困惑,进一步了解所在企业的文化背景,进而能在工作中拨开云雾找到其中乐趣,本讲座特邀请Ocean 结合自身多年北美工作经历,与朋友们交流华人如何成功地在北美工作环境中找到适合自身发展的职业之路。
1) 深入分析中、西企业文化的差异
3) 提供丰富个案分析
4) 现场解答疑难问题
-What is positive attitude and how it affects a successful job search
-Understanding positive attitude
-Spirit of cooperation and customer service attitude
2)人力主管如何选择雇员(What does the HR manager look for when hiring)
-Where are the jobs – the power of networking
-What exactly are the manager looking for when hiring a person.
-Which one is more important : education, and language skill
-What is Canadian experience
3)在面试中避免的六个错误(Avoid 6 common mistakes during a job interview)
-How to prepare yourself for a job interview
-How to answer questions and how to ask question the right way
-How you should handle yourself during a job interview
-Take care of your body language
-Yes, you can find a job without working experience
4)如何适应企业系统(Woking within the Corporate System)
-How decisions are made in a corporation
-Purpose of a meeting and how you contribute in a meeting
-What is the function of a steering committee
-Corporate politics, procedures vs personal achievements
-Importance of English speaking and written skill