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文章发布时间:August 27, 2004

地产投资必备:加拿大地产观察(2003版) (免费下载)
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC) newest flagship publication, the Canadian Housing Observer presents a comprehensive overview of Canadian housing conditions, trends, and key factors behind them.Providing a broad range of housing information and statistics in one publication,
the Observer is an ideal resource for housing planners; researchers; policy developers; home builders; real estate organizations; and municipal, provincial, and federal housing specialists.Highlighting the State of Canada’s Housing


The Observer examines the state of Canada’s housing from a variety of important aspects, with ample use of charts and data. Bringing together national coverage with details on provinces and major metropolitan areas, it is an important tool for identifying, addressing and monitoring Canadian housing trends
and issues.


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HomeLife/Prosperity Land Realty Inc.
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