To assist new immigrants, The Cross-cultural Community Services Association is organizing a Job Fair onMarch 12, 2009 to help them look for jobs, and, as well, to provide an opportunity for employers to look for capable employees for their companies.
Date:March 12, 2009 (Thursday)
Venue:Metro Square,
3636 Steeles Ave East, Markham
Time:10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
For details, please contact TCCSA York Centre,
Telephone: 905-948-1671 ext 112
多華會2009 招聘會
为帮助更多的新移民找到合适的工作, 多华会在2009年三月举办人才招聘会,届时将邀请各行业雇主参与, 既给新移民提供就业机会, 也让雇主挑选适合的人才.
日期: 2009年3 月 12日
地点: 万锦市大都会广场
3636 Steeles Ave. East, Markham
时间: 上午10时至下午2时
详情请查询多华会约克区中心, 电话: 905-948-1671转112