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文章发布时间:June 15, 2009




内容: 面试技巧包括面试前的准备,面试中的注意事项,面试后的跟进事宜,讨论常见的面试问题及你应该提的问题


地点:720 Spadina Ave., Suite 508, Toronto (near Bloor & Spadina)

时间:2009623日(星期二)下午4:00pm to 6:00pm

电话:(416) 977-8325 225张女士

请携带枫叶卡参加讲座,凭乘车票据领取TTC Tokens


University Settlement Workshop

Helping newcomers settle in Toronto

How to Succeed at a Job Interview

Find out more about skills & tips for a successful job interview!

WHAT:A FREE workshop about interview skills, including: what to prepare before a job interview; things to watch for during the interview, conducting follow-ups; and what questions to ask the interviewer.

WHO:This information session is open to permanent residents and convention refugees. Please bring your PR card or landing paper.

WHERE:720 Spadina Ave., Suite 508, Toronto (near Bloor & Spadina)

WHEN:Tuesday June 23, 2009; 4:00pm to 6:00pm

HOW:Please call to register – (416) 977-8325, ext. 225Jun

TTC tokens will be provided with proof of transfers

Workshop funding provided by Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Picture of guangtou1


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