安徽同乡会将于2009年6月7日,星期日在多伦多Sunnybrook Park, Aera #6 举行POT LUCK, 上午10时至下午4时, 欢迎安徽老乡积极参加, 联系人陶勇, 416-399-5333
We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound.
安徽同乡会将于2009年6月7日,星期日在多伦多Sunnybrook Park, Aera #6 举行POT LUCK, 上午10时至下午4时, 欢迎安徽老乡积极参加, 联系人陶勇, 416-399-5333