安省北部很多地区的已经过了黄金赏枫时段(peak),西北部Kenora 、Fort Frances 地区、Thunder Bay 等地区几乎85%的树叶已经凋零,只能看到残留的小块金色和黄色;The Manitoulin Island 地区、Temagami 地区、以及11号与17号公路沿线直到 Kakabeka Falls 曾经色彩斑斓的枫叶景观已成记忆。
North Bay 、Sudbury 地区的亮丽景色也今不如昔,40-50%的树叶已经落叶。
尽管也有近40%枫叶飘落,从 Parry Sound 到白求恩故乡 Muskoka 仍然有不少地方值得一看,可以见到很美的枫叶。
Barrie、Orillia、Midland 直到Wasaga Beach 地区可以见到20%的树叶已经飘落,但沿117 号公路从Bracebridge 到 Baysville 及 35号公路能够看到很美的枫叶,而Haliburton 地区正值最佳赏枫阶段。
从 Barrie, Orillia, Midland 到Wasaga Beach,80%的枫叶已经变色。
Barrie东北面的Horseshoe Valley 也达到最佳赏枫阶段。
Ottawa 地区已达到最佳赏枫时段,枫叶开始变成深黄色和橘黄色,其中点缀有块状亮丽的红色,近35%的枫叶飘落,沿Rideau Canal 运河步行或是骑单车旅行可以尽情领略沿途美景。
从Pembroke 经Renfrew、Arnprior 到Ottawa Valley 正值黄金赏枫时段,枫叶变成亮黄色、橘黄色以及红色;在渥太华与多伦多的之间的Kingston 到更东一点的Cornwall,大概70%的枫叶开始变色,但以黄色和橘黄色为主。
尼亚加拉瀑布地区的枫叶有40% 开始变色,有黄色和橘黄但目前仍以绿色为主色调。
从安省著名旅游小镇Niagara on the Lake 到Fort Erie传统上一直是深受人们喜爱的赏枫景点。
大多伦多地区西部大概85% 的枫叶已经变色,东部达到60-70%,而市中心地带也有40% 枫叶开始变黄或是泛红。
This is the report for Friday, October 12, 2007
Northern Ontario Region
The north-western region of the province now sees the colour past peak with considerable leaf fall in the Kenora, Fort Frances and Thunder Bay area. There are some small pockets of yellow and gold remaining. In the Sault Ste. Marie area, the colours are now well pass peak with 85% leaf fall. There are still some small areas of yellow and dull orange remaining. The Agawa Canyon Tour Train adventure out of Sault Ste. Marie, offers an outstanding fall colour outing in the Algoma region. The tour train is extremely popular and runs through October 13th. The Manitoulin Island region has significant leaf fall due to high winds and rain over last weekend. There are still some areas of dull gold and yellow remaining. The North Bay area has the colours well past peak with 50% leaf fall. The Sudbury region is reporting a 40% leaf fall at this time. There are areas of bright yellow from the poplar and birch trees. The A.Y Jackson Lookout on Highway 144 north of Sudbury offers a wonderful view. Algonquin Provincial Park is an extremely popular fall colour destination. The colours are now well past peak with considerable leaf fall. The Highway 60 corridor is offering hues of yellow and gold. The east side of the park is also offering areas of dull orange and yellow. An ideal viewing location, during the fall colour period in Algonquin Park, is the view from the observation deck at the world class visitor centre. Hardwood Trail, Booth’s Rock and Lookout Trail offer just a few of many spectacular views in the park. Ragged Falls, just off highway 60 outside the west gate of the Algonquin also offers an ideal viewing location.
Central Ontario Region
The northern Parry Sound region has considerable leaf fall. The Parry Sound area across to Muskoka is offering pockets of beautiful colour with about 40% leaf fall. A boat cruise of these areas is a wonderful way to enjoy the fall colours. Views from the observation decks at the fire tower lookouts at Parry Sound and Dorset are outstanding in the fall, along with the Lion’s Lookout in Huntsville. Highway 117 from Bracebridge across to Baysville and further east to Highway 35 offers some nice colour. The Haliburton area has advanced to PEAK, with the drive along Highway 35 always incredible during the fall. There is about a 20% leaf fall in the region. Buttermilk Falls, along Highway 35, north of Minden is an excellent viewing location. Highway 118 in the Carnarvon area always offers nice fall colour as well. The Kawartha Lakes region is reporting the colour past peak with about 40% leaf fall. There are still some nice areas of yellow, red and orange remaining. The Barrie, Orillia, Midland and across to Wasaga Beach area is
showing an 80% colour change with about 20% leaf fall. The Horseshoe Valley region, north east of Barrie is offering some outstanding pockets of colour with bright reds, yellows and oranges. The colours are peaking in this area. The two hour South Simcoe Fall Colour Train Excursions out of the Tottenham area continue with the final trip featured on October 14th. The Collingwood area offers some ideal fall colour viewing locations especially around the Scenic Caves. The area is reporting an 80% change with about 10% leaf fall. The view from the suspension bridge at Scenic Caves, at the top of Blue Mountain, is always incredible but especially nice during the fall.
Ottawa Region
The Ottawa region reports PEAK colour change at this time with lots of bright yellows, reds and oranges. There is also about 35% leaf fall in the area. A walk or bike ride along the Rideau Canal and the many parkland areas of Ottawa offers an excellent fall colour experience.
Eastern Ontario Region
The colour is at PEAK now in the Pembroke area across to Renfrew to Arnprior and into the Ottawa Valley region, with lots of bright oranges, reds and yellows. We are starting to see considerable leaf fall as well. Nice driving areas over the next couple of days include Highways 512, 514 and County Road 64. A fall colour drive along the 1000 Island Parkway is always popular during the fall season. The Prince Edward County area is reporting PEAK colour. The region east to Kingston and further east to Cornwall is reporting a 70% change with beautiful red tamarack trees and lots of yellow and orange.
South-western Ontario Region
There is an 80% colour change in the Owen Sound region featuring bright reds, golds and yellows with ideal fall colour locations being Inglis Falls and Harrison Park. The drive north of Owen Sound on Grey County Road 1 between Owen Sound and Wiarton is always nice during the fall. The Beaver Valley region south of Thornbury has about a 70% colour change with muted reds, oranges and yellows. Hockley Valley, east of Orangeville the colour is at PEAK with 15-20% leaf fall. Colours are mostly orange and red with a splash of gold. There are several excellent lookout locations in the Beaver Valley as you approach the village of Kimberley from the south on Grey County Road 13. Continuing on Grey County 13 to Thornbury is very nice as well. In the Hockley Valley region, Dufferin County Road 7 and the 3rd line of Mono offers a great fall colour drive. The Forks of the Credit Provincial Park near Belfountain offers beautiful walking trails The Elora and Fergus area is reporting some very nice colour especially around the Elora Gorge area, with areas of bright red and 20% leaf fall. The Royal Botanical Gardens in the Burlington and Hamilton regions is reporting a 40% colour change with muted yellows and some oranges. The area along the eastern shoreline of Lake Huron in the Goderich, Bayfield region has seen the colour advance to a 80% colour change. There is some leaf fall in the area. Muted rusts and yellows are the dominant colours with some splashes of orange. There is a 25% colour change in the Sarnia region, mostly yellow with some splashes of orange and red. There is just a 10% colour change in the Essex, Kingsville and Point Pelee areas.
Niagara Falls Region
There is a 40% colour change in the Niagara Peninsula. The colours are subdued with pockets of burnt orange, yellow and still lots of green. The Niagara Parkway from Niagara on the Lake through to Fort Erie is always a very popular fall colour location, especially the view to the north along the Niagara River from the Brock Monument lookout at Queenston. The country roads through the wine region of the Peninsula are offering some nice colour as well at this time.
Greater Toronto Region
There is an 85% colour change in the west Toronto area with lots of muted yellows along with some orange and bright red. The downtown area is offering a 40% change with pockets of bright yellow, red and orange. In the east there’s a 60-70% change, with mostly muted yellows and oranges. In the north Toronto area and further north into the York Region there is a 70% change with bright yellow, orange and red being the dominant colours.