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文章发布时间:December 17, 2008


现在看小孩有一岁大(照片中看起来),头发还没有完全长全,这位“妈妈”居然找过原来的领养机构要求退“货”,完全是把孩子当成商品或宠物了。只是 “退货”没能被接受,理由居然也是孩子“秃头”,这都是什么世道。于是这位“妈妈”就把孩子给登到craigslist上来“拍卖”了。看到照片里的孩子真是可怜,在这样一个情况下不敢想象那位“妈妈”是不是还能用心照顾她,贴子里说孩子整天哭,大概是好不到哪里去。河里如果有人能想到什么办法,希望不论是国内还是国外,帮帮联系国内领养机构,实在不行就把孩子接回去吧,这个样子看着孩子真受罪,还不知道会不会有人看到craigslist把小孩领养呢。


I don’t like the baby we adopted (Beverly Hills)

Reply to: [email protected] [?]

Date: 2008-12-14, 11:15PM PST

Hello. My name is Barbara Stanwick. I need help, my adopted baby isn’t what

I expected and I don’t like it. Here’s my story…

Ever since my husband, Don, and I married 22 years ago, I’ve wanted children

. The years passed, and once I turned 45, I knew it was too late for me to

conceive. So last year, on my 46th birthday, Don surprised me with adoption

papers. It was the greatest day of my life. We were going to adopt a baby!

It was from China, but I was still excited (we’re very gracious, and wanted

to save a baby from the communists)!

After being on the adoption list for several months we were informed that a

child had been selected for us! My anxiety acts up on planes, so Don’s

assistant, Lauren, retrieved the baby from the Orient. I was finally going

to have my very own baby.

When Lauren walked in, it was swaddled in blankets. I named her Wing, right

then and there. A combination of Wang and Ling. I had never been happier,

holding little Wing in my arms.

But it was all downhill from there. I pulled back the blanket from her face

and that’s when I saw the problem. Not only did Wing NOT look like wanted

her to, but she was BALD! I had been given a BALD Chinese looking baby! My

vertigo hit me like a wall.

Since then, I have been trying to send Wing back to China, but they won’t

take her. I filed a complaint with the adoption agency, but they didn’t

accept “bald baby” as a reason for returning it. Wing cries all the time,

which makes my migraines act up and I think the cat might be allergic to her

as well. If anyone would like to take Wing, even though she’s bald, I will

either trade or sell her to you. She’s not a bad baby, I just think we can

find a better one. Thank you for your time. Serious inquiries only.

* Location: Beverly Hills

* it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial


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