If you have purchased a property in a development prior to construction or which is under construction and want to sell your property before it is complete and ready to be occupied. (For example a condominium during the construction stage) you can do so by way of Assignment.
An Assignment Sale is when the original Purchaser sells and/or transfers all the rights and obligations of the original contract between themselves and the Vendor to another party prior to closing. In most cases both parties will also need the consent of the Vendor. Should the Vender consent to such transfer/assignment the Purchaser and Assignee will be required to execute and deliver to the Vender, the Vender’s standard form of assignment/assumption agreement.
在一单转名买卖中,你只是卖,或者买了一个资格,一个有房屋入住权利的一纸合同。并不是一个实际的不动产。In an assignment sale you are only purchasing or selling the contractual rights to a property not the physical property itself and all its rights and obligations until the unit is complete.
In 2007/01/01 John Doe buys a condominium during the pre-construction stage. The completion date for the development will be December 2010. John Doe decides to sell his contract to Mark Smith in 2008/Nov. for a dollar amount and terms.
When the Condominium development completes and the property is ready to be occupied, official title transfer takes place between the Vendor and Mark Smith the New Purchaser. Mark now has all the rights and obligations to the property which every other home owner is entitled to.
Website: www.jycondo.com Email: [email protected]