本网编辑综合英文网站的最新消息,继周二发布尸检结果之后,多伦多警方今天对上周日焦尸案的受伤男子莫宝(Bao Kenny Mac)发出逮捕令。
莫宝是此一案件的唯一幸存者,上周日凌晨2点多钟,莫宝向多伦多北部King 镇的居民求助,要求拨打911,莫宝本人也被严重烧伤。
警方根据汽车车牌追踪到受害人在士嘉堡Warden 夹Ellesmere的独立住宅,于是怀疑死者可能是莫宝的妻子和他们4岁的女儿,第3具尸体则可能是莫宝22的继女;后来DNA的检测表明,焦尸全部为女性。
但尸检结果表明,3名受害华妇先遭枪击然后被丢入车内焚尸,3人中目前能够辨认的只有47岁的何祖玲(Zu Ling He,音译),即莫宝本人的妻子。
The Canadian Press
Oct 24, 2007 11:02
TORONTO – York Region police have issued an arrest warrant for a man wanted in the deaths of three people found in a badly burned van on a rural road north of Toronto.
Bao Mac, 46, of Toronto, was found at the scene screaming and with serious burns on Oct. 14 in King Township.
He is still sedated in hospital and police say they will execute the warrant for three counts of first-degree murder when Mac regains consciousness.
One of the bodies was identified yesterday as Mac’s wife, 47-year-old Zu Ling He and his 22-year-old stepdaughter and four-year-old daughter are still unaccounted for.
Positive identification on the other two bodies is expected to take some time, but police say the other two bodies are those of a woman and a girl.
The cause of death for all three was determined to be gunshot wounds.