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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound.

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文章发布时间:January 9, 2009

一年一度的华人盛大节日--春节即将来临,为让华人移民朋友在这片新的土地上庆祝我们的传统节日, 我们皮尔区新移民中心(原皮尔区成人教育中心)精心准备了一场节日联欢会,500华人移民朋友将会一起欣赏精彩表演,共度新春. 我们还有幸运大抽奖及小礼品奉送.由于票数有限,新移民优先,请持枫叶卡报名.

晚会时间: 2009年1月17日, 星期六下午, 3:00-6:00

地点: 天主教救世主堂

(The Saviour of the World Church Chinese Catholic Church)

地址: 30 Bristol Rd West, Mississauga ON L5R 3K3

(West of Hwy 10, south of Matheson)

费用: 免费

报名联系: 905.306.0577 转240 红梅 或289 Lillian

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