你想学习新的技术、更换新的工作吗?环保产业为您提供良机!SENECA 就业信息中心将举办免费英语讲座,主要内容包括:
Exploring careers in the Environment Sector
Be a “Green Change Agent”!
Are you thinking about changing jobs and learning new skills? Maybe a career in the “Environment Sector” is for you.
·Learn how to look for jobs in the Environment Sector within the current job market
·Become aware of resources that are available to search for opportunities in the Green Sector
·Learn what skills are needed to work in the industry
时间: 2009年7月28日,星期二 2:00p.m. to 3:30p.m.
地点:Seneca Employment Resource Centre
3660 Midland Ave, 2nd Floor, Scarborough