裁员后的生活与财务压力– 嘉兰中心
目的:本次的财务讲座意在增强失业人士对自己与家人的保护意识和如何减少处理相关财务的压力。来自加拿大财务信用咨询服务部的Dan Chometa先生特意为大家讲解这次的财务讲座。英文讲座,国语翻译。
地点:720 Spadina Ave., Suite 508, Toronto (near Bloor & Spadina)
时间:七月二十四日星期五下午 3:00到4:30pm
联系:座位有限, 请登记预约(416) 977-8325 x 231沈女士 Jenny
·座位有限, 请打电话提前登记定位(无人接听时,请留言)
- 请携带您的枫叶卡或登陆纸参加讲座
- 获取TTC车票时,请出示票单
University Settlement Workshop
Helping newcomers settle in Toronto
Surviving Layoff & Financial Stress
·Protecting Yourself during a Job Loss
·Making Financial Strategies
·Creating Job Search Strategies
·Dealing with Debt Collectors
·Coping Strategies with emotional impacts
·Asking for Support / Help
WHAT:This financial workshop will provide information about dealing with the loss of a job and how to manage financial stress.Dan Chometa of Consolidated Credit Counselling Services of Canada will facilitate the workshop in English, with translations into Mandarin.
WHO:These sessions are open to permanent residents, live in caregivers with a valid work permit, and convention refugees. Please bring your PR card or landing paper.
WHERE:720 Spadina Ave., Suite 508, Toronto (near Bloor & Spadina)
WHEN:Friday July 24, 2009 from 3:00 – 4:30pm
HOW:Limited Registration, please call to register (416) 977-8325, x 231Jenny
·Due to limited seats, please call us for registration in advance
·Please remember to bring your Permanent Resident Card
·TTC tokens will be provided with proof of a transfer
Workshop funding provided by Citizenship and Immigration Canada