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We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound.

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文章发布时间:June 24, 2008
English Circle is an informal group, which participants can practice or improve English in speaking and listening during conversation. Also, participants can share their knowledge and concerns to the group. Participants could help each other regarding employment, returning school, heath issues, legal issues, child issues and other issues that people are facing.

During the group, you can practice your communication skills, solve your concerns, and know why you have strong accent.

地址: 200 consumers Rd. 9th floor, North York, Ontario, M2J 4R4

时间: July 4th, 2008, Friday @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
联系: Yan 416-247-7181, ext.2329
第一次参加着, 请带上你的枫叶卡或移民纸.


填写各种类型的表格(如换领枫叶卡、家庭移民担保和公民入籍)* 移民和公民入藉 * 职业和就业 *读书和培训 *住屋 *避难所 *健康, *家庭暴力事件的处理 *法律和人权信息, *低收入家庭的报税服务 *代申请各类失业保险金、福利金、老人金、牛奶金、政府福利房和政府托儿服务和财务援助等*同時提供免费翻译、口译服务 *所有服务均免费
Picture of guangtou1


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