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多伦多警局发布寻人信息,一名名为Huisik Lee的84岁华裔男子失踪。
根据警方的信息,他最后一次被目击是在2022年9月26日下午3点左右,地点是在在Bathurst St和Finch Ave. W地区。
MISSING: Huisik Lee, 84– last seen Mon. Sept. 26, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Bathurst St & Finch Ave. W area.-described as 5’4”, 130 lbs. slim, dyed black hair, wearing a blk bb cap, a blk winter jckt & blk running shoes, keys on a lanyard around his neck. @TTCnotices,#GO1880565^mf pic.twitter.com/7CMWqhywdf — Toronto Police Operations (@TPSOperations) September 27, 2022
MISSING: Huisik Lee, 84– last seen Mon. Sept. 26, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. Bathurst St & Finch Ave. W area.-described as 5’4”, 130 lbs. slim, dyed black hair, wearing a blk bb cap, a blk winter jckt & blk running shoes, keys on a lanyard around his neck. @TTCnotices,#GO1880565^mf pic.twitter.com/7CMWqhywdf
— Toronto Police Operations (@TPSOperations) September 27, 2022