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文章发布时间:May 2, 2006

本网5月1日刊登了“长城平台落地签名活动管理组”的通告 《如此误导大众,《大中报》用意何在?》(以下简称“签名活动通告”)后,5月1日收到了《大中报》发行人贾宁扬 (Jack Jia) 先生给本网发来的传真。

在该传真中,贾宁扬先生指责“签名活动通告”的陈述无事实依据,并将对多咨处网依据加拿大有关诽谤的法律条款予以起诉(”The statement is not based in fact. Further, You should be aware that it is no defence to simply allege another party of ‘misleading'”, “Your conduct is high-handed and reprehensible. A claim of punitive damages is warranted”)。

该传真件还要求多咨处网立即撤下“签名活动通告”,同时向《大中报》正式道歉,并将道歉内容刊登在 www.51.ca 上(全文见扫描电子文件)。


  • “签名活动通告”系由“长城平台落地签名活动管理组”发布,多家网站予以刊登,多咨处网只是刊登者之一。


  • 在征询意见后,“长城平台落地签名活动管理组”的全体成员一致认为,所有刊登“签名活动通告”的网站没有必要撤回该项“通告”,多咨处网也不例外。


  • 多咨处网



    May 2, 2006

    51.CA INC.
    66 Normandy Cres.
    Richmond Hill
    Ontario L4C 8M1

    Dear Sirs:

    Notice under the Libel and Slander Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.l.12 and copy right infringement

    I have instructed our legal counsel, Black, Cassels & Graydon LLP to launch a legal action against 51.ca INC for posting false and defamatory comments at www.51.ca against Chinese News.

    Also, I have instructed our legal counsel to launch another legal action against 51. CA INC for copy right infringement as the result of the fact that www.51.ca posted 2 articles of Chinese News –“Who knows authenticity of signatures except Mr. Zhao Ping Bo?” and “Poor English skill reduces our chances to success” –without the consent of Chinese News.

    You have ignored my notice dated May 1, 2006. Your conducts are high-handed and reprehensible. A claim of punitive damages as well as financial damages is warranted.

    As Chinese News is proceeding with legal actions against 51.CA INC., I demand you to withdraw the statements and defamatory comments posted at www.51.ca immediately. Meanwhile, I demand a complete retraction and apology, in a form satisfactory to Chinese News, be published immediately at www.51.ca. This will assist in mitigating the damages
    that have been caused by the defamatory statements and copy right infringements.

    I strongly suggest you seeking advice from legal counsel/counsels who has/have expertise on Libel and Slander Act and copy right laws.

    You will receive claims from our legal counsel in the immediate future.

    Govern yourself accordingly.

    Yours truly,

    Jack Jia,

    Picture of guangtou1


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