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文章发布时间:June 5, 2007

会计职业讲座-Meet Big4系列之Ernst & Young

时间: 2007年6月9日, 周六下午1:00到5:00

内容: 8位来自Ernst & Young不同部门的专业人士全方位介绍

·E&Y Service种类与部门
·Life Style in E&Y
·How to get in E&Y
·Path Lead介绍

联合主办: Path Lead- Path Lead — a registered charity supported by a group of enthusiastic professionals, from Big 4s, banks and other industries with the mission of helping new immigrants to have a better life in Canada by providing a both personal and professional platform for communication and networking activities;

地点: 黄埔教育中心, 1057 McNicoll Ave.,二楼 (Victoria Park夹 McNioll Ave东南角,龙堡中心东100米), Toronto M1W 3W6
网上注册: http://www.toc-labs.com/rentreg.php

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