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文章发布时间:August 20, 2007


加拿大著名电子商务系统和市场营销公司–ESM Group Inc. 总裁,北美著名华裔企业家,拥有近30年计算机系统开发、市场经营、职业培训和网络营销经验。

Mr. Wong热心公益,心系移民,在多市华人社区口碑极响,曾在York Unversity, Seneca College, CPAC, YMCA等大型机构多次主持公益讲座;更因其拥有近30 年招聘员工的心得,在北美拥有无可比拟的多年经营管理经验,所以对于如何通过正确了解北美文化实现完善经营之道和成功就业颇有心得!订座电话:416-665-1888

内容简介:本次讲座将涉及诸多核心面试话题,使您的面试表现更符合雇主标准,比如您的言谈举止是否能很好体现出您对加拿大文化有足够认知,是否对雇主的” 胃口”。

而且你也要学会技巧性的问题,问题问得好,会突出您非常专业,是个行家;也显示出你对这份工作的重视!通过 Mr. Wong的讲座,您将得到面试技巧的精髓,知道怎样调整面试心态,从而可以正确面对求职中的每一个步骤,突破每一个求职的障碍!同时,如果您正在做生意,还将告诉您如何在北美不用低价就能增加销售量!

To train sale professionals an effective, systematic and trainable proven sales cycle and techniques. The objective is to dramatically build up sales personnel’s confidence for different situations, handling tough customers or questions, ultimately increase the sales closing rate regardless of price.Including:

1. The winning Sale System
2. The 5 key Areas in a Sales Cycle
3. Phone Handling:Designing a successful script in booking appointments
4. Sales Appointment
Opening Phase – commonly used Canadian business English
Questioning Phase – the most critical part of selling
5. Sales Process
Benefit Selling – explain and describe product / service benefits effectively
Overcoming Objections – what to do when prospects say No
6. Closing the Deal
Recognize a close signal – know when to close
Closing techniques – more than one of closing
7. Sales tracking and management tool – measure your sales team

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