1、“Comfort Women” Witnessing Forum
4:30pm Sunday Nov. 25th
Convocation Hall, University of Toronto
31 King’s College Circle, Room 122
Toronto, ON M5S 1A1
Located 2 blocks west of University Avenue, 1 block north off College Street.
Phone: (416) 978-2100
2、“Comfort Women” Education Forum
2pm Monday Nov. 26th
Room 3154 Medical Sciences Building,
1 King’s College Circle,
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON M5S 1A8
欢迎大家前往支持! 要去的朋友可以与我联系,咱们可以在门口集合。
她的联系方式: [email protected] 647- 836- 0907
2. The Motion to support ‘Comfort Women’ victims in our Parliament: A press conference will be organized at the Korean Cultural Centre on Nov. 22 to announce to ALL media about the visit of these survivors to Canada. The key event will be on Nov. 25—The Witnessing Forum—at the University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall downtown. This is very important and it is a message to our MPs—if the turn-out is good, it serves as a strong voice to let our representatives in Ottawa know how important this issue is to our communities, and the chance of passage of the Motion will be substantial. We need everyone to try to drum up support for this forum. Morally we owe it to the victim survivors our strong support for them as they courageously confront the world with their horrendous past, and come tens of thousands of miles to a strange country to fight for justice and recognition. The time for the event is 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 25. Email to all your contacts and ask them to email to their contacts and so on. We need to pack the Hall. This is a golden opportunity to pass the motion in the House. We might forever lose it if we don’t get it this time. given the fact that the Japanese Embassy in Ottawa is lobbying hard against the motion. We cannot afford high-priced lobbiests. What we have is the united determination of the communities to bring long-overdued justice to the women victims.
3. An education forum is organized on Nov. 26 at the Medical Sciences Centre of the U. of T. We are expecting full capacity of about 200 educators, teachers and students to join us. Starting time is 2:00 p.m.
4. We are going to Ottawa in the evening of Nov. 26. It is likely that there will be a formal House committee hearing on Nov. 27, with the victim witnesses, and with other MPs and Senators joining the meeting.
5. We hope to have the motion move to the floor of the House on Nov. 28 at which time, if all parties agree, the motion will be voted on and the chance of passing will be good—This will happen only if the Nov.25 Witnessing Forum is a resounding success.
6. Early December will be a busy time for press conferences: one is to announce our Dec. 13 Concert to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Nanking Massacre at the North York Arts Performing Centre. The other press conference will announce the History Channel’s broad-cast of our film on Dec. 13 at prime time—8:00 p.m. all 105 minutes without interruption ( no advertisements ) followed by a panel discussion with Lloyd Robertson as host.