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文章发布时间:March 18, 2008






麦格瑞维在电视道歉中声明自己是“同性恋美国人(a gay American)”不久后,麦格瑞维和迪娜开始分居。

早前报道:前新州州长麦格瑞维(Jim McGreevey)的助理昨晚爆料,声称他曾麦格瑞维担任州长之前,与之发生性关係,更惊人的是麦格瑞维的妻子也参与其中。

这名叫做皮德森(Theodore Pedersen)的助理週日在一场访问中,详细承述了与前州长与州长夫人的3P性爱丑闻。

麦格瑞维的妻子迪娜(Dina Matos McGreevey)日前声称,当她在2000年10月两人结婚之时,她并不知道她的丈夫是个同性恋。不过麦格瑞维的助理皮德森无法苟同这个说法。


Former New Jersey Gov. James E. McGreevey and his now-estranged wife Dina Matos McGreevey’s allegedly had a number of threesomes with Theodore Pedersen, one of his aides, between 1999 and 2001. (AP Photo/Brian Branch-Price)


前新州州长麦格瑞维的妻子迪娜(Dina Matos McGreevey)今天(3月17日)在发表声明,否认自己曾参与州长和司机皮德森一起的3P行为,并声称皮德森对媒体的描述“完全不属实”。




Aide claims 3-way sex with ex-governor and wife


TRENTON, N.J. – A former aide to former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey claims he had sexual trysts with McGreevey and his now-estranged wife while they dated before the governor took office.

Theodore Pedersen detailed multiple trysts in interviews Sunday with the Star-Ledger newspaper of Newark and the New York Post.

McGreevey’s former driver and travelling aide disputes claims by Dina Matos McGreevey that she did not know about her husband’s homosexuality when she married him in October 2000.

In her book, “Silent Partner,” she says she missed the signs that her husband preferred men. She says she didn’t learn of his homosexuality until shortly before he announced to the country that he was “a gay American” and would resign.

Pedersen, 29, told the newspapers the threesomes started in 1999 while McGreevey was mayor of Woodbridge and McGreevey and Dina were dating. He said they stopped when McGreevey was elected governor in 2001.

He said he only had contact with Matos McGreevey during the trysts and wasn’t sure whether McGreevey was gay.

“In hindsight, there might have been light interest (in me),” Pedersen told the Newark newspaper, “but it didn’t seem like he was gay.”

“It did enhance their sexual relationship having me be a part of it.”

Matos McGreevey and her lawyer, John Post, did not respond to messages and calls seeking comment. Her lawyer declined comment on Pedersen’s claim to the Star-Ledger.

McGreevey didn’t return calls or messages. His lawyer, Stephen Haller, declined comment Sunday night. Pedersen could not be reached for comment Sunday night.

Pedersen’s name surfaced recently as part of the McGreeveys’ contentious divorce proceedings.

Matos McGreevey asked whether Pedersen’s trip to China last summer, in which he accompanied McGreevey and his boyfriend, Mark O’Donnell, was paid for out of a bank account the former governor and his partner share.

Pedersen told the newspapers he gave a sworn deposition about the sexual liaisons and expects to be called as a witness in the divorce trial.

In her book, Matos McGreevey refers to Pedersen as a close acquaintance but someone she didn’t always want around. On a trip to Canada during which she expected McGreevey to pop the marriage question, she insisted Pedersen stay behind.

Matos McGreevey claims in her divorce lawsuit her husband defrauded her by hiding his sexuality before and during their marriage. She is seeking $600,000 in damages.

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