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文章发布时间:April 19, 2008

加拿大国家邮报(National Post)4月16日发表了前多伦多世界日报社社长丁侃的一篇文章称,中国的人权纪录固然不够理想,但却是30年来最好的。

丁侃的文章是针对卡德威(Theo Caldwell)在在国家邮报的一篇文章而来。在那篇文章中,卡德威称“中华人民共和国乃是自由国家的敌人,中国人民的敌人,和自由理想的敌人。”对此,丁侃表示,声势浩大的渥太华4.13华人集会是给卡德威先生的回答。




(Text of Letter to Editor, published by National Post, April 16, P. A21)

The massive rally in Ottawa on Sunday by Chinese-Canadians to show support for the Beijing Olympics was an answer to Theo Caldwell’s assertion that “the PRC remains an enemy to free nations, its own citizens and the ideals of liberty.” (What will Eric Liddell do., Theo Caldwell, April 14)

The rally, attended by 5,000 Chinese immigrants, was unprecedented in scale and significance. In the summer of 1989, I witnessed an anti-China demonstration on Parliament Hill after the bloody crackdown in Tiananmen Square. Nineteen years later, there is a complete volte-face in loyalty. Why?

Mathew Forney, a former Beijing bureau chief for Time magazine, wrote in the New York Times on Sunday that almost without exception, mainland Chinese students “feel rightfully proud of their country’s accomplishments in the three decades since economic reform began.” China has morphed into a market economy and is undergoing a peaceful evolution. It’s human right s record leaves much to desire, to be sure, but it is now the best it has been in the past 30 years.

To boycott the Olympics won’t do anything good for the athletes, much less for China’s evolution toward democracy.

David Ting

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