将于2008年8 月9日星球六举办一年一度的欢乐夏日野餐烧烤活动。
时间为上午10点到傍晚8:30pm ,地点如以前的活动,仍然选定风景如画的Serena Gundy Park- Area 1. Serena
Gundy Park在Sunnybrook Park 的南面,具体位置请查看地图。
CHEN, Xin [email protected] (647) 588-3456
LIN, Xiaoyang [email protected] (416) 666 8181
HE, Lily [email protected] (416) 519-8920
ZHOU, Ye [email protected] (416) 895 9864
Boys and Girls, it’s again the time for us to get ready for the most
exciting and entertaining summer event among us BPU/BUT/Beijing JSJ
College Alumni, the summer BBQ at Serena Gundy Park! It’s again the
time for you to meet a mass of people coming from the same place where
you’ve been studying and working for many years before coming to
Canada. Bring your kids and family to join us and you can’t afford to
miss as it will take another year for the next one to come.
Date and Time: Saturday, August 9th, from 10am to 8:30pm
Location: Serena Gundy Park- Area 1