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文章发布时间:September 30, 2008
全加华人协进会(平权会)今天公布了他们2008大选问卷调查。问卷问题除了有彻底 平反人头税及移民政策等一些华人社区很关注的问题外,还有关于医疗卫生,环境和经济的问题平权会总干事Victor Wong今天说。我们一系列的主题(见下文)提出了10个问题来请联邦的5个主要党派作出回应,并可为人们在其候选人敲门征求他们的选票时提问作参考
平权会将在下周布汇编后的 各 主要党派的回应。对于生活在选区内的 约130以上的华人社区,联邦各主要党派均 需要关注华人社区的问题。
与此同时,平权会敦促所有华人社区成员积极参与这一重要的选举。这次有不少于21名有中国血统的候选人参与竞争. 加拿大华人参与到了这次联邦竞选运动的所有层面 Victor Wong补充说。平权会促请所有合格的选民登记注册,熟悉华人社区的问题,所在地的候选人问,并在举行的选举中投票。

平权会成立于1980年,在加拿大各地有27个分部,是一个全国性的非营利组织. 作为加拿大华人社区起领导作用的组织,平权会致力于推动建立一个更加公正,尊重和包容性的社会. 平权会为中国人头税平反运动所做的杰出贡献而和与Allies共同加拿大种族关系基金会2008的杰出奖。平权会现正 在与包括安大略省中国人头税家属联盟,加拿大人头税家属协会,加拿大纽芬兰和拉布拉多人头税组织公司和蒙特利尔人头税平反委员会它争取平反体紧密合作为彻底 平反中国人头税,纽芬兰人头税和排华法案而斗争.
For more information or media interviews, please contact:
Victor Wong, Executive Director (416) 977-9871; [email protected]
2008 Chinese Canadian National Council Election Questionnaire

1. Inclusive Redress. The Canadian Government has provided direct redress to about 800 living head tax payers and surviving spouses. However, about 3000 Chinese head tax families are excluded from the direct redress announced in the June 22, 2006 Parliamentary Apology because the head tax payer and spouse in these families have both passed away. CCNC and head tax families take the position that all head tax families directly experienced the racist legislation and therefore redress is incomplete. We urge the Government of Canada to commit to good faith negotiations in the spirit of “one head tax certificate, one claim.” What is your Party’s position on inclusive redress? Does your Party support direct redress for all head tax families?
1. 彻底 平反人头税问题。加拿大政府为约800名在世的人头税苦主和未亡配偶提供了直接平反。然而还有约3000个中国人头税苦主家庭被排除在2006年6月22日议会道歉宣布的直接平反之 外,原因是这些家庭的人头税苦主及其配偶都已过世了。 平权会和人头税家属们的立场是所有的人头税苦主家庭都直接经历了种族主义的立法,因此目前的平反是不完全的。我们敦促加拿大政府本着 “一张税金 纸一个说法” 的精神承诺进行有诚意的谈判. 您的政党在彻底平反人头税问题上的的立场是什么?贵党支持直接平反所有人头税苦主家庭吗?
2. Bill C-51. Many cultural communities, natural health groups, and alternative and traditional health practitioners are opposed to Bill C-51’s stringent regulations on natural health products. What is your Party’s position on Bill C-51? What mechanisms would your Party propose to ensure that natural health products are safe?
2. 法案C – 51问题 。许多的文化社区,自然健康团体,以及替代和传统的保健工作者们 都反对法案 C – 51中对天然保健产品的严格规定。您的政党在法案C – 51 上的立场是什么 ?贵党将提出什么样的机制来确保天然保健产品的安全性?
3. Bill C-50. Numerous community, faith and labour groups including CCNC vigorously opposed the changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act in Bill C-50. What is your Party’s position on repealing Bill C-50? What alternative legislation would your Party propose?
3. 法案C – 50 问题。包括平权会在内的许多社区,信仰团体和劳工团体都全力反对修改移民和难民保护法的法案C – 50 。您的政党在废除法案C – 50 上的立场是什么?贵党将有什么替代的立法建议?
4. Path to Permanent Legal Status. Canada has established a guest-worker model with regards to tens of thousands of temporary foreign workers and non-status residents who by virtue of their lack of permanent legal status are among the most vulnerable in our society. What will your Party do to ensure that all temporary foreign workers and non-status persons have a clear path to permanent legal status in Canada?
4. 获得 永久合法身份的途径问题。加拿大已建立起了一个客工模型,故有数以万计的外国临时工人和没有合法身份的居民居住在加拿大.这些人由于没有永久合法的身份而成为我们社会中 最脆弱的群体。您的政党将做些什么以确保所有外国临时工人和没有合法身份的居民有一个获得加拿大永久合法身份的途径哪 ?
5. Immigration Targets. Canada will soon be solely reliant on immigration for net labour force gains and by extension, for maintaining our quality of life. What is your Party’s view on expanding the annual immigration target from 250,000 permanent residents to a new target of 1% of the Canadian population or 330,000 people? What is your Party’s proposed target range for family class immigration for the next 3 years?
5. 移民指标问题。加拿大不久将需要完全依靠移民来获得净劳动力因此来维持我们的生活质量。您的政党在扩大年度移民指标从现在的 250,000人到新的指标330, 000人既 1 %的加拿大人口上的看法是什么?贵党提出的今后3年内家庭团聚类移民的指标范围是多少?
6. Youth Unemployment. Youth unemployment rates are consistently more than double the adult unemployment rates. What will your Party do to improve the employment opportunities for Canadian youth and particularly for immigrant and minority youth? What specific initiatives does your Party propose to improve youth participation and particularly from immigrant and minority youth in all aspects of Canadian society?
6. 青年失业问题。青年失业率一向是成人失业率的一倍以上。您的政党将做些什么来改善加拿大青年特别是移民和少数族裔青年的就业机会?贵党将提出哪些具体措施来促进青年特别是移民和少数族裔青年全方位的参与加拿大社会

7. Economic Security for Seniors. Immigrant seniors face a 10 year residency requirement before becoming eligible to access Old Age Security and other seniors’ benefits. A private members’ Bill C-362 was proposed to address this situation. What is your Party’s position on eliminating the 10 year residency requirement for immigrant seniors? What are your new policies to address the transportation and housing needs of immigrant and minority seniors?
7. 长者的经济保障问题。移民老人为有资格进入老年保障体系和其他老人福利而面临10年居留期的要求。私人法案 C-362 提出了这一问题。您的政党在为移民老人取 消10年居留期这一规定上的立场是什么?您的政党在解决移民和少数族裔老人的交通和住房需求上的新政策是什么?
8. Court Challenges Program. The Court Challenges Program was cancelled in 2007 however the Government of Canada has recently announced a new program with minority official-language communities but excluded equality-seeking groups. What is your Party’s position on the restoration of full funding of the Court Challenges Program for equality-seeking groups?
8. 法庭挑战项目。法庭挑战项目被取消于 2007年.但加拿大政府最近向不包括寻求平等团体在内的说官方语言的少数族裔社区宣布了一项新的项目。您的政党在为寻求平等团体恢复有充足资金的法庭挑战项目上的的立场是什么?
9. Employment Equity. The public sector workforce (public service, armed forces, RCMP, crown corporations) is not representative of the diversity of Canada and the Government has set targets for increasing visible minority hiring. What specific plans will your Party implement in order to achieve concrete results in minority hiring, promotion and retention in the public sector? What specific measures does your Party propose to concretely improve the representation in the senior ranks of the public sector?
9. 平等就业问题。公共部门的工作人员(公共服务部门,武装部队,加拿大皇家骑警,皇冠公司)没有反映出加拿大社会的多元性. 加拿大政府已定下目标增加雇用少数族裔。您的政党将执行哪些具体计划来在公共部门少数族裔员工的雇用,晋升和保留方面取得实质性的进展?贵党有什么具体措施来确实地改进公共部门高层的多元化代表性?
10. Social Exclusion. Racism is a public health issue and there are numerous cases of newcomers and members of racialized communities unable to cope with the stresses of social exclusion, racism, underemployment and unemployment. What specific plans will your Party implement in order to address social exclusion and racism and its impact on newcomer and racialized communities in Canada? What is your Party’s specific strategy on addressing mental health issues?
10. 社会排斥问题。种族主义是一个公共健康问题.有许多有关新移民和种族化的社区成员因不能应付社会排斥,种族主义,就业不足和失业的压力而出现精神健康问题的案例。您的政党将执行哪些具体计划来解决社会排斥和种族主义问题? 这些计划将对加拿大新移民及种族社区有什么影响??贵党解决心理健康问题的具体策略是什么?
名字 政党 省份
Raymond Chan (X) Liberal BC Richmond
Wei Ping Chen Independent BC Richmond
Dobie Yiu Chung, Independent BC Richmond
Ronald Leung Conservative BC Burnaby-Douglas
Ken Low Liberal BC Vancouver East
Alice Wong Conservative BC Richmond
Wai Young Conservative BC Vancouver South
Wendy Yuan Liberal BC Vancouver Kingsway
John Chan NDP Alberta Calgary Centre-North
Joe Chan Independent Manitoba Winnipeg Centre
Inky Mark (X) Conservative Manitoba Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette
Andy Arifin NDP ON Oak Ridges-Markham
Michael Chong (X) Conservative ON Wellington-Halton Hills
Olivia Chow (X) NDP ON Trinity-Spadina
Rick Chue Christian Heritage ON Pickering-Scarborough East
Benson Lau Conservative ON Scarborough-Agincourt
Chung Sen Leung Conservative ON Richmond Hill
Ella Ng Green Party ON Scarborough Centre
Kevin Nguyen Conservative ON York West
Meili Faille (X) Bloc Quebecois Quebec Vaudreuil-Soulanges
Hoang Mai NDP Quebec Brossard-La Prairie
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