·就业保险金的种类, 就业保险金的适用范围,期限和金额 EI types
·领取就业保险金期间的权利和义务Responsibilities and rights while you are receiving EI benefits
·领取就业保险金人士如何申请培训How to apply for training onEI?
·如何申请第二职业培训 What is Second Career Strategy? And how to apply for it?
日期: 星期四, NOV.13TH, 2008
时间: 下午2pm – 4:30pm
地址: 533C Gladstone Ave. (Dufferin Street / Bloor Street West)
详情或登记, 请电: (416)532 – 2824 XIAO, 或 (416)645-6000 ext. 2334 XI CHEN
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