学徒工培训101 – 嘉兰中心
Apprenticeship 101
Have you heard about Apprentice Training program?Do you know how to register in Apprenticeship program?
Apprenticeship is a proven industry-based learning system that combines on-the-job experience with technical classroom training to produce a certified skilled worker.
Many newcomers are embarrassed due to lack of specific job skills in the labour market. Most newcomers are seeking the assistance in gaining access to employment services. University Settlement (www.usrc.ca) is offering an information session called “Apprenticeship 101”. This workshop will help job seekers understand Apprenticeship program. Settlement services at our centre are funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and there is no cost to the participants.Welcome to join our upcoming workshop at North York office.
Goal: To understand what is “Apprenticeship Program”.
Outcome: You will learn:
·What is Apprenticeship?
·How to become a Registered Apprentice
·Type of apprenticeship Available
·Cost and time commitment needed to successfully complete an Apprenticeship
·Question & Answer
Eligibility:Permanent Resident, Convention Refugee and Work Permit (Live-in Caregiver)
Speaker:Employment Resource Consultant (from YMCA)
Date:Tuesday, June 09, 20094:00pm – 6:00pm
Location:4920A 2nd Fl North York ON M2N 5N5
Contact:416-218-8990 ext.221 to reception
Attention:Please bring your Permanent Residence Card as a proof of status
Please register in advance of the session
TTC tokens are provided by bringing your Transfers