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文章发布时间:May 14, 2009

M-Bridge: 致力于提高华人移民英语交流技能,建立华人和西人文化交流的公益组织。系列活动涵盖英语,经济,政治,生活等方方面面,英语演讲者来自各个领域。

Thursday, June 24, 2010 Mississauga

Topic: Art of Communication – Leadership and the Power of Listening
Speaker: Damian Reid

Please be adviced that from June our Mississauga weely program will be held in a new venue. Please see following detail information about the new location.
As immigrants, English is our second lauguage. So we face double challenges when dealing with communication. Do you want to be heard, be known, listen—be effective in communication?
In this week, we will have Damian Reid, a coach from Landmark Education. He will bring a topic on communication and leadership, which offers a breakthrough in the technology of communication. It makes communication vivid and real, transforming the basis of your communication from reaction to creation.
In the interactive conversation you will discover that you can:
1) Listen for what’s possible with people rather than from your current limits
2) Listen for what people have in common
3) Listen for the contribution people are

Please email [email protected] to reserve your seat. If you have any difficulty of finding the location, please call 416-358-9824.

Time: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 7:00-9:00PM
Location: Peel Chinese Community Service Hub, 1177 Central Parkway, Unite 81, Mississauga, ON, L5C 4P3 (Inside of Golden Square Centre, at the very south west cornor, a lot of free parking space)
Maplink: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1177+Central+Parkway+West,+Mississauga,+ON+L5C+4P3&sll=43.568372,-79.664202&sspn=0.008473,0.022638&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1177+Central+Pkwy+W,+Mississauga,+Peel+Regional+Municipality,+Ontario+L5C+4P3&z=16
Please kindly be advised that we will charge $2.50 for each session, or $10.00 for four sessions to be attended at your convenience. This fee is purely to cover the basic cost of operation and cost for tokens of appreciation to our guest speakers. If you have any difficulty regarding this payment, feel free to talk to one of our coordinators. We will be more than willing to waive it for you.
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