13岁华裔少女路畅作为中国运动健儿的奥运小天使, 被美国国家电视台NBC万里挑一而选中拍摄奥运专题宣传片;中国中央电视四台《华人世界》也连续对小路畅进行了报道。12月30日,小路畅被《明桥体育》、《美中信使报》和《休斯顿华人年鉴》联名授予美南地区首届“美中之星”奖,受到全球中文媒体的广泛报道。
小路畅在个人简历中介绍,她生于1994年8月13日,最近在电影《love and mary》中参演了一个角色,是片中一场博览会的场景中的学生之一。这个多才多艺的小姑娘会跳芭蕾、爵士、Hip-Hop、中国传统舞蹈,会滑冰、游泳、乒乓球、排球、滑雪。小路畅自己最喜欢的是唱歌和学中国功夫,她喜欢绘画,还会弹吉他,而且她还是个幽默的家伙。和她一起工作过的大人们常常被她逗得前仰后合。
Hi!! I’m Yvonne Lu. I won 1st place best smile and most photogenic, 2nd place runner up in Sugar Land, TX in the Miss Sunburst Beauty Pageant in 2005. I’m really well at
acting and dancing. I have been dancing ever since I was 3, which includes ballet, jazz, hip-hop, tap, and Chinese. So practically I has no clue what stage fright is! I’ve been taking private guitar lessons with a way cool guitar teacher for 2 years now. I’ve also learned kung fu since I was 6 years old so I’m really good at that too! I love biking, roller-skating, swimming especially, and any sport at all. You name it! I’m in my school choir and pep squad and still can manage to be an A B honor student. What I do for fun is just kicking back with my girlfriends at the mall. Most defiantly spending time with my pets. I have a rabbit and 2 goldfish. I’m an outgoing girl who’s not afraid of anything. I’m willing to take a risk, even if that means going on every single Roller coaster ride at the amusement park! Did I mention that I love animals, especially dogs. I would go bonkers if I could own a dog! So that’s practically everything there is to know about me!