Canada, the true north strong and free, is a geographically large and ethnically diverse country, with a truly unique culture that has been – and continues to be – shaped by the many waves of immigrants over time.
Come take part in this unique, interactive information session that is sure to inform and inspire!
- 加拿大历史
- 加拿大的原主民,因纽特人,和北方居民
- 加拿大人的价值观,谚语和俗语
- 节日和传统
- 食品,服装以及发明创造
- History of Canada
- Canada’s First Nations, Inuit, and Northerners
- Canadian Values, Slang & Phrases
- Holidays & Traditions
- Food, Clothing and Inventions
时间:星期四, 2009年08月27日
下午 1:00 至下午 3:00
YMCA Scarborough Newcomer Information Centre
YMCA 新移民信息中心 – 士嘉堡
10 Milner Business Court, Suite 600
(Markham Rd. & Milner)
报名请电: (416)609-0218分机. 242