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文章发布时间:October 3, 2008




安省西北部很多地区的枫叶已逐渐开始变色,可以欣赏到很漂亮的秋叶。如果开车从西北部的Kenora 到Vermillion Bay,有30%枫叶已经变色,呈红、橘黄和黄色;在Fort Frances 地区已有45%的枫叶已经变色,以亮丽的黄色为主;在Thunder Bay 地区,变色的比例则达60%以上;而在Sault Ste. Marie和Algoma 地区变色的比例更达70 到80%,枫叶大多变成诱人的金色和黄色,其中点缀有醒目的红色;Sudbury 地区变色比例达40%;North Bay 地区也有35%的枫叶变色;Temagami 地区则达到80%,本周末会达到最佳赏枫阶段。

作为加拿大最著名的赏枫地点,过去几周以来,Algonquin省立公园的枫叶变色较快,目前已经有70 到80%的枫叶变色,美不胜收的红色、法国伯根地红色、橙色以及黄色的枫叶层层叠叠,本周末即达到最佳赏枫时段;不过观赏Algonquin公园枫叶的最佳区域应该在60号公路走廊及外围一带,以及公园内世界级接待中心的观景台。



在 Parry Sound 和白求恩故乡 Muskoka 已经开始见到很美的枫叶,整体而言大约50% 到 60% 的枫叶已经变成明亮的红色、橙色和黄色。沿141 号和124号公路,枫叶开始变色;从白求恩故乡 Muskoka 到Haliburton 有50% 到 60% 的枫叶变色,以法国伯根地红色、橙色以及黄色为主。

(Lake Simcoe 地区的枫叶;来源:安省旅游局)

在Kawartha Lakes 地区,有60 到70%的枫叶开始变色,主色调为亮红色、黄色、赭色和深橙色;Barrie、Orillia、Midland 直到Collingwood 和Wasaga Beach 地区估计50-60%的枫叶已经变色;在Barrie东北面的Horseshoe Valley 地区以及Blue Mountain 的顶部都是赏枫的理想之地。


Ottawa 地区的枫叶刚刚开始变色,尽管目前的比例只有20% 左右,而且天气预报有霜冻现象,但本周该地区的颜色变化很快;沿Rideau Canal 运河步行或是骑单车旅行自然可以尽情领略沿途美景。

在Pembroke 地区,已经有50 到60% 的树叶变色,而60、62、515、512、514公路以及County Road 64沿线附近下周将会相当漂亮。因此随后几周,如果驾车沿512、514和64号公路游览,将是一个很不错的选择;而千岛湖(1000 Island )就更不用说了,乘船赏枫无疑是最佳方式,那里的枫叶三分之一开始变色。


尼亚加拉瀑布地区的枫叶有15-20% 开始变色,但目前的主题色调仍然是绿色,其间点缀有黄色和橘黄。从安省著名旅游小镇Niagara on the Lake 到Fort Erie传统上一直是深受人们喜爱的赏枫景点。

大多伦多地区大概只有10-20% 的枫叶开始变色,主要集中在多伦多的Parkland以及安大略湖湖滨地带。

(51编辑注:一年一度的赏枫季节又开始了,如果网友有兴趣,不妨把你们赏枫过程中拍摄的照片发给我们,最好能从您的照片中精选,并配上一些文字说明,包括旅行路线、照片注释、风土人情、沿途的逸闻趣事等等,本站可以考虑作为征文发表,并付给稿酬。来稿请e-mail至[email protected])



This is the report for Friday October 3rd, 2008

Northern Ontario Region

In the far north western region of Ontario we are starting to see some very nice fall colour. The drive from Kenora to Vermillion Bay is offering pockets of red, orange and yellow and a 30% colour change. There is a 45% change in the Fort Frances region with areas of bright yellow. Highway 71 is a nice fall colour drive. There is now a 60% change in the Thunder Bay region. The sugar maples along highway 61 are beautiful right now. Colours are quite nice in the area. The ash and birch trees are all changing colour offering bright yellow and gold. You can enjoy the colour while taking in the hiking trails at Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park. Cascades Conservation Area has many nice walking trails right in Thunder Bay as well.

The Sault Ste. Marie and Algoma region is featuring a 70 to 80% colour change with lots of burgundy, orange, gold and crimson red. Keep in mind a great way to enjoy the colours in the Algoma region, is aboard the Agawa Canyon tour train. It is always best to book your tour and accommodation well in advance of your visit. The train runs through October 13th. There is a 50% colour change, with bright red and orange the dominant colours on Manitoulin Island with the colour advancing to close to a 40% change in the Sudbury area. The A.Y Jackson Lookout at Ramsey Lake is a great viewing location. The colour season is well underway in the North Bay region with a 35% colour change. A great way to see the colour, in the North Bay area, is aboard the Dream Catcher Express train trip which runs through October 5th. The train tour provides a round trip to Temagami. Highway 17 west of North Bay offers a good fall colour drive. The colour is advancing quickly in the Temagami region with an 80% change. The colours will peak in this area, this upcoming weekend. Bright red, burgundy, orange and yellow are the dominant colours. A great view over the next couple of weeks will be at the fire tower lookout, in the community of Temagami. Killarney Provincial Park is starting to see some good pockets of colour with 50 to 60% colour change. The Granite Ridge hiking trail in Killarney Park is especially nice during the fall.

The Algonquin Park area is an extremely popular fall colour destination. The highway 60 corridor is offering a 70 to 80% colour change at this time and it is certainly a good time to tour the park. Dominant colours are red, orange, burgundy and yellow and should peak later this week. An ideal viewing location, during the fall colour season is the view from the observation deck at the world class Algonquin Park visitor centre. There are several hiking trails, with start points on Highway 60, that offer an outstanding fall colour experience including Track and Tower, Centennial Ridges, Booth’s Rock and Lookout Trail. Ragged Falls, just off highway 60 outside the west gate of Algonquin, also offers an ideal viewing location during the colour season.

Central Ontario Region

The Parry Sound region is reporting a 50 to 60% colour change with areas of vibrant red, gold and orange. Highways 141 and 124 are showing some good early colour. The Muskoka area and across to the Haliburton region are reporting a 50 to 60% colour change at this time, with bright pockets of burgundy, red and orange. Ideal viewing locations are the fire tower lookout in Dorset and Lion’s Lookout in Huntsville. Highways 35, 117 and 118 always offer outstanding fall colour. The various boat cruises of the 30,000 islands and the beautiful Muskoka Lakes are a great way to enjoy the fall colour season. In the Kawartha Lakes region we are starting to see some very nice colour with a 60 to 70% colour change. Vibrant red, rust, yellow and deep orange are the dominant colours in the area.

The Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls area and onto the Kinmount region always offer some nice fall colour touring. Highways 35 and 121, in this region are offering some very nice colour. There is a 30% colour change across the Barrie, Orillia, Midland area and over to Collingwood. The sumacs offering bright red are about 60% turned at this time. During the fall colour season ideal viewing locations include the Horseshoe Valley region and at the top of Blue Mountain at Scenic Caves. The colours are advancing in the beautiful Hockley Valley region with a 30 to 40% colour change. The Airport Road area of the Hockley Valley region is always outstanding during the fall.

Ottawa Region

There is a 20% colour change at this time in the Ottawa region. There is frost in the forecast and colours will advance quickly this week. A walk or bike ride along the beautiful Rideau Canal is always a great way to enjoy the colours in Ottawa.

Eastern Ontario Region

The Pembroke area is reporting a 50 to 60% colour change. Highways 60, 62, 515,512, 514 and County Road 64 are especially nice in the next week. There is a 20 to 30% colour change in the Belleville region with the Loyalist Parkway, in Prince Edward County, a beautiful drive any time of the year but especially nice during the fall. The 1,000 island region is reporting a 30% colour change as well with the 1,000 Island Parkway offering pockets of burgundy, red and orange. The Brockville region is reporting some nice pockets of early colour as well.

Fall Colour Studio Tours, are a great way to enjoy autumn in Ontario. These tours allow you the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful fall colour throughout Ontario’s countryside while perhaps visiting the many artist and artisan studios. These are self guided, well signed driving tours that start and finish where you like.

The following tours take place the weekend of October 4th and 5th.
· Bancroft and Area Autumn Studio Tour
· Studios of Brampton Tour
· Dundas Studio Tour
· 15th Saugeen Autumn Leaves Studio Tour
· Haliburton County Studio Tour
· Madawaska Valley Studio Tour
· Sarnia Lambton Fall Artists Studio Tour
· 11th Annual Tweed and Area Studio Tour

Jack Lynch
Travel Promotion Officer
Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership
Ontario Travel Centre, Barrie

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