A One day interactive workshop that will teach you how to openly express and enrich your presentation skills, speaking voice, storytelling, body language and etiquette through the dynamic art of storytelling.
The Primary focus will be on overcoming fears and developing confidence, liberating imagination and creativity, humor and hidden passions through the natural highs of relaxation, improvization and storytelling.
Saturday, Feb.9th, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
135 George Street South, Toronto.
(Southeast corner of George and Front Street, 1 block east of Javis)
Workshop presenters:
– Vladimir Bondarenko, Professional actor, director, coach and award-willing film maker;
– Adeodata Czink, Mucisian, singer, teacher and and key-note speaker on international equiette
Contact 416.362.1740 or email [email protected]