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文章发布时间:February 9, 2008




Child advocacy specialist calling for delay of the Hes’ departure

Updated: Feb 8, 2008 06:31 PM EST


A child advocacy specialist is calling for the delay of the Hes’ departure.

She has stood behind the Baker family for years and said something must be done before Anna Mae gets on that plane tomorrow.

Never before seen photos of Anna Mae He were released Friday. They were taken after the courts ruled Jerry and Louise Baker return the child to her biological parents. You’d never know how bitter the eight-year custody battle became looking at the photos of both families smiling together during a joint visit.

Child advocacy specialist, Debbie Grabarkiewicz, shared the photos with Action News 5.

She fears Anna Mae is not adjusting well to her new home life.

“I saw a confused, quiet, shy eyes downcast little girl who appeared to be cautious of everything she said or did,” Grabarkiewicz said.

Grabarkiewicz, whose been a long time advocate for the Bakers, claims 9-year-old’s father, Jack He, asked her to help.

“Requesting assistance or connections with people who could help his family stay in the United States since their deportation order,” Grabarkiewicz said.

She said she soon became worried for Anna Mae’s well-being.

“His request was made specifically related to Anna Mae and her lack of adjustment to their family and her need to continue her contact with the Baker family,” Grabarkiewcz said.

Grabarkiewcz said she is speaking out because she’s worried Anna Mae will not get an education in China.

“Education in China is limited to one child per family and Anna does not speak Chinese and therefore will not be going to a Chinese school,” Grabarkiewcz said.

Action News 5 left messages for both Jack He and his attorney but have not yet received a response.

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