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文章发布时间:July 19, 2009


燕山大学(东北重机学院 ) 加拿大校友会野餐活动定于八月一日 (08/01/2009 Saturdayday),12:00am-6:00pm 在 Magna Simeon Park 举行。地址:13190 Woodbine Avenue. Gormely, Ontario. 这是Magna’s Private Park.进门时每个车交$5 告诉来参加Ying Zhou’s Party. 欢迎各位校友光临。公园有各种活动场地, 包括游泳,钓鱼,乒乓球, 网球,足球和沙地排球等。请带上你最拿手的食品来和大家共享。也请把你们家的出席人数在七月二十六日之前告诉我们。我们好作 安排。你有什么好的建议,请致电 905-841-0254 或Email:[email protected]. 无论天气如何,我们不见不散.

Maybe you will have a hard time to find it because it is a private park. Please spend a little of your time to look at the following directions before you head to the Park.


From South –Toronto, Follow 404 north exit at 37-Stuffville then turn right to the east, then turn left to Woodbine road north, drive around 3km and as long as you pass Bethesda side road, on your left side you will see the sign—Magna Simeon Park-Private. Left turn to get the to gate.

From North -Newmarket direction, Follow 404 south exit at 41-Bloomington ,turn left to Bloomington east, then turn right to Woodbine south, Driving around 3km after you pass Skyridge Count, look at your right side , the sign— Magna Simeon Park-Private will be on your front, turn right to get the gate.

Picture of guangtou1


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